Come for a visit!
Our Pack hosts a movie night on the 3rd Tuesday of August. It is an opportunity for parents to meet the Pack leadership, ask questions and determine if this is the right pack for you. During that time your prospective Scout will watch a family friendly movie with our current Scouts so they have an opportunity to meet the other kids. There is typically more running around than movie watching. Our primary goal is to give you all the information we can so that you can make an informed decision.
Complete an Application
At the conclusion of movie night, you will have an opportunity to pick up an application. But you don’t have to wait for movie night and a paper application! You can fill one out online by following this link and clicking ‘Apply Now’ under Pack 2214.
Let the Games Begin!
Read the Handbook
Your Scout will be provided a handbook, among other things, immediately upon joining. The first thing you can do is read your Scout’s rank handbook. It explains what they will need to accomplish in order to advance in their current rank. It also explains in more details how Cub Scouting works.
One of the first requirements your child will need to complete is being able to recite the Scout Oath, Scout Law, and Scout Motto. Review these with your child and have him/her memorize them. This will probably take some work but will be easy if you help them with it.
Buy a Uniform
You should also start buying your child’s uniform items. You will start to see your child take pride in their uniform and in being a Cub Scout once they have a uniform. The Pack t‐shirt will be provided at no charge with your initial enrollment. Extras can be purchased from the Pack.
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Volunteer to help out. Many parents have jobs, hobbies, or other skills that could be used to assist the Pack. The Pack always needs parents who have administrative, leadership and coaching skills. These skills could be used to present materials or classes at Den and Pack events or you could consider taking a leadership position in the Pack.
Being a leader is fun, challenging and rewarding. Leaders find that their experiences help them to become better parents. Being a leader will provide many dividends that will enrich your life as you dedicate your time, talent, and enthusiasm to Scouting. As a leader, you will have fun and fellowship with other families and you will share your child’s pride in their accomplishments. You will enrich and strengthen families and help the kids learn good citizenship, shaping them into men and women who have strength of character. You will have an opportunity to help make a difference in the lives of these kids as they grow strong in mind and body. Consider assisting the Pack or your Den in some way during your time in Scouting and talk to your Den Leader about ways you can help.