Pack 2214 participates in a variety of Pack activities that are designed with a specific purpose in mind. Some of the more significant ones are listed below:
Den Meeting
The Den is the primary unit where Cub Scouts work on rank requirements. Dens meets once or twice a month with the day and time agreed upon by the den leader and parents.
Pack Meeting
Each month, Pack 2214 holds a Pack meeting. The Pack meeting is a celebration of the Scout’s achievements through an awards presentation ceremony. Participation at Pack meetings is highly encouraged as attendance is the only way that a Scout will receive their awards. The Pack meeting also serves as a means to communicate important information to the parents and provide entertainment through a skit performed by the “Den of the month”. In addition to performing a skit, the “Den of the month” is responsible for assisting with setup (arrive 20 minutes early to put out chairs) and clean-up (stay a few minutes after to put chairs away). Parents of Scouts in the “Den of the month” will coordinate to provide 4-6 cakes for the monthly cake raffle. As you can imagine, this is popular with the kids. Expect to be “Den of the month” once a year.
Community Service
Pack 2214 participates in a number of events that promote community service. For example, Scouting for Food takes place each spring where our Scouts collect food in the Cape St. Claire and Atlantis neighborhoods that will be donated to local food pantries.
The Pack has many opportunities to Family Camp. Cub Scouts do not camp on their own. At least one parent must attend but we encourage all family members that are interested to join us. We typically camp in the fall and spring. Most of the activities during the camp outs will take place on Saturday including Den time in the morning to work on rank requirements, Pack time in the afternoon which includes a primary activity and other games, followed by a campfire to wind down before bed. The primary activity at recent overnight campouts has included building/launching model rockets and participating in a “Ninja Warrior” obstacle course. Our Webelos also participate in Woodsmoke, which is a multi-day event hosted by the Four Rivers District in the fall. There may also be opportunities to participate in a “Cubaree” where a Scouts BSA Troop invites a Cub Scout Pack to camp with them and the Scouts BSA Troop does all the planning.
Summer Camp

Pinewood Derby

Blue and Gold Banquet
Every February, the Boy Scouts of America celebrate the birthday of Scouting. In Cub Scouts, this event is marked by the Blue and Gold Banquet. This event also serves as the bridging ceremony where the Webelos 2 Scouts earn their Arrow of Light and bridge over to Scouts BSA. For Webelos 2 Scouts, this is the final event of their Cub Scout journey.

Boys Life Magazine
Boy’s Life is not an activity but a monthly Scout focused magazine packed with activities and articles suitable for kids of Cub Scouting age.