The Pack is largely financed through popcorn sales. We also charge a modest fee for select events such as camping trips or banquets. If you want to get involved but are concerned about the cost, please contact us. We may be able to help!

This is your Pack and we have a need for funds to provide a quality program for the kids. Rather than simply charge an annual fee for each Scout, our Pack participates in the BSA annual popcorn sales. This is our ONLY fundraising activity. Every August, September and October our Popcorn Kernel organizes “show and sells” where our Scouts have the opportunity to sell popcorn to the greater Annapolis community. Current locations for “show and sells” include the Graul’s Market in Cape St. Claire, the Green Valley Market in Arnold and the NSA Commissary in Annapolis. We require 100% participation of all Cub Scouts in our fundraiser. Typically, participation in three “show and sells” by a Scout generates enough funds to cover his/her membership dues for the coming year. Parents are expected to assist with these activities. Ultimately, what we are really selling is the adventure of Scouting.
If fundraising is not successful, there will be fewer events and the Pack will have to pass along the outstanding expenses to the parents. Historically this has not been the case and we do not foresee this being an issue now or in the future.
First Year Dues
When a new Scout joins our Pack, we do expect the first year’s dues to be paid up at the time of application. If the scout participates in popcorn sales (which occur August-October) they may be reimbursed their application fee if they complete the required threshold for sales. If a Scout joins later in the Scouting year the registration fee will be pro-rated and paid for by the family. Again, if you are in need of financial assistance, please reach out!