Upcoming Event
Annual Pinewood Derby

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Let’s get ready to race! Pack 2214 is excited to invite you to our Annual Pinewood Derby Race! Join us for a day of fun, excitement, and friendly competition as the scouts, family members, and friends race their custom-built cars.

What to Expect:

  • Exciting Pinewood Derby races
  • Cubmaster Classic Invitational
  • Friendly community atmosphere
  • Refreshments and snacks available for purchase
  • Awards and recognition for the racers

Official Race Website with full schedule, rules, regulations, and additional information will be posted as the event gets closer.

11:00AM – Racers arrive to check in and take their car through inspections
12:00PM – Race begins

Feel free to invite your family and friends to cheer on our scouts and enjoy the festivities.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

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